Monday, December 13, 2010

New meeting

I decided this morning on the spur of the moment to try a new meeting.
I am glad I did, this leader is pretty good, ive met her once before when she filled in for my last leader one night. I will def keep going to her meetings, although she also does a Monday night, which I might do next year, as today was a bit hard with my oldest child being quite loud while playing with another child and I couldn't concentrate as I am sure neither could the other women. I need that time for me I think. But next Tue ill go then the week after they are closed, same as the Monday following New years day, so ill go that Tue too, but then Monday's after that. I am not changing leaders again, so hopefully this one sticks around until after I am at goal. She said she had been a leader for 26 years which is awesome. At least I am sure that is what she said.
I did have breakfast this morning as I hadn't been planning on going to the meeting (I don't normally before a morning meeting) so I only lost 600g, but that is still OK. Bringing me to 90.9 kg and 11.4 kg in 19 weeks. My average is 500g per week which is what is OK while breastfeeding. So my one big week then a small week seems to work well. This week I am going to work really hard so I can get into the 80s before xmas as I had planned. Thankfully we are only going to my mothers for xmas day and ill be taking my own planned lunch, but I doubt there will be a huge amount of tempting food there. I am making a pavlova, so will allow for that, its nearly the end of my WW week on xmas day, but ill save my extra Pro-points for that day, just incase. But ill make sure I run, since the gym will be closed (so won't be able to do pump).
Geez if I keep losing 500g per week average, its going to take me over a year to get to goal. No way, I am going to be there in 10 months, by the time I am 30, so better move my ass.
Ill take a progress pic once I see that 8 on the scales :D Should see it at home sometime this week.

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