Quick back story, during my school years I was so called "normal" weight, but i didn't actually ever weigh myself, but I felt good and comfortable in my skin. I danced and liked running when I was younger.
Then I got into an emotionally abusive relationship pretty much straight out of school. I turned to food, and become an emotional eater, every emotion turned me to food and it was awful, I felt disgusting.
I got up to somewhere in the 90s kg, and not long out of this relationship I met my now husband. My weight did continue to climb since I could not get out of the emotional eating habit.
I got up just over 100 kg, and it was about this time we started to try for our first baby, after a year of no luck and after I had been in denial that my weight was stopping us, I joined weight watchers. I lost 6 kg and then fell pregnant. It all fell apart then, I used it as a licence to eat what I wanted and got to 122kg. *Warning a very very bad photo to follow:
[url="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i177/doula_2006/Weight%20loss/IMG_4376-1.jpg"]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i177/dou.../IMG_4376-1.jpg[/url] (posted the direct link incase no-one is game enough to look).
[img]http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i177/doula_2006/Weight%20loss/IMG_4385.jpg[/img] This is after a few kg had gone. I got down to 101 kg in about 2 weeks after my son was born, I guess most of the pregnancy weight was fluid etc. I re-joined WW, and over 12 months I lost 20 kg, I hovered around 81 kg for a long time. I had started running around here, and had gotten about half way through the C25K program and was really enjoying it. I also joined a gym when my son was around 1 for pump and cycle classes. I was feeling good and was so much fitter.
Then I stupidly got sucked into a really bad attitude that fat is OK and starting using that as an excuse to stop eating well and exercising. :(
My weight got back to where I started of 101 kg, then I fell pregnant again.
I did eat much better this pregnancy, although still got to 117 kg.
Again I lost my pregnancy weight fairly easy and joined weight watchers again at 102.3 kg. I don't have a pic from then that I can find. I am currently 92 kg with 30 kg to go to my goal.
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